With his scratchy voice and tall physique, Mert proves to be ever reliable.
Mert can be found all over the galaxy, he has several jobs; you name it, he does it. One day he could be a doctor, the next he could be a janitor, and the day after he could be a bowling proprietor. Though regardless of whatever job he takes on, he always bears a wide toothy grin and carries a positive, cheerful attitude.
Mert manages to see the positives in whatever job he does, he could be cleaning dead bugs off of windshields and he’d still be the happiest person there. He never gets mad, and seldom raises his voice. He loves company, the more the merrier. Wherever Astro Cat and Moonmouse go, odds are that he’ll be there; and their paths will inevitably cross, and he is guaranteed to want to help with whatever they’re doing. He loves helping people, that’s why he has so many jobs, so he can help a lot of people.
Whenever he’s not working, he is involved in as many clubs as he has jobs, he’s currently the President of the Frackldorph Sweater Knitting Club.